Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nubian Women Are Beautiful

First, i would like to thank the Most High for the most beautiful part of his creation. Nubian (Black) women are truly goddessess. This Puerto Rican brother who is well aware of his African Roots and culture has to speak the truth. When the Most High went about creating you all it had to be done with the utmost attention to detail.

Second, what makes Nubian (Black) women so beautiful is the inner strength and spirit that they are blessed with.

Third, you are the mother-Matter of all creation. Nut is the Goddess of the Sky and is symbolic of the universal womb where all life comes through. It is your innerverse that all men come through. You very essence is to nourish and love.

Fourth, Natural Hair, dark eyes, hips, lips and thighs all as perfect as the night sky that is laced with Stars all to illuminate and accentuate your beauty even more.

To all My Nubian (Black) Goddessess this blog is for you all. It is time we put women on her Throne (Aset) and allow her to flourish and nourish this planet back to health.

1 comment:

  1. For an exciting read, and a novel re an American, married redneck whose life was illuminated and transformed by a meeting with a Nubian woman, read "Harry & Ivory". So beautiful. The author calls it "pulp fiction" but his Australian publisher calls it "literature".
